
Instructional Support Content

Instructional support content targets educators and aims at providing the necessary how-to good practice instructions that will allow them to integrate the proposed learning methodologies and tools into their already well developed instructional practices.

More specifically, the output will:
  • Facilitate the more effective adoption of project outcomes on developing programming skills among girls through serious games into wider, blended learning school practices.
  • Provide teachers with the information they need for enhancing their teaching on programming through the proposed serious games approach and design thinking learning methodologies.
  • Help build teacher skills, confidence, and motivation in the deployment of emerging ICT, and specifically serious games, as a complementary learning tool.
  • Build the skills of teachers on the integration of ICT into instructional practices through supporting content.
The material will have the form of:
  • Learning sheets that describe end-to-end blended learning activities that deploy the CODING4GIRLS serious game and design thinking approaches.
  • How-to videos that act as a visual aid on how to use the features and the functionality of the CODING4GIRLS serious game.
  • A user guide on the CODING4GIRLS serious game approach for building programming skills among girls through design thinking approaches.

O3_A1_Collection of game design-based learning sheets targeting teachers


O3/A1_1 Learning Scenarios Code
This report collects the Learning Scenarios that have been re-adapted to the design thinking approach and the structure of the C4G software constituting of two parts: the Teacher’s Training Platform and the Student Game Environment.
It reports two groups of the tables of the learning scenarios/training course with their code (where is available) in the Teacher’s Training Platform and, consequently, in the Student Game Environment. 
They are in English, Slovenian, Italian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Greek, Portuguese and Turkish.

Instructions for students

User Video Guidelines
The User Video Guidelines have been published on the project YouTube Channel. They describe the basic and advanced learning scenarios prepared in the framework of IO3. The videos are available in English with subtitles in English and Italian.

Italian Learning Materials

Croatian Learning Materials

Bulgarian Learning Materials
The course was organized in 16 hours for development of learning scenarios and a game in C4G game environment. All sessions were recorded and published in the LMS Moodle and MS Teams. The course is available in Bulgarian language at URL:

O3/A2 User Guide on the C4G Serious Game Approach
Please cite this work:
Daniela Tuparova, Boyana Garkova, Joze Rugelj, Mateja Bevcic, Spela Cerar, Tadeja Nemanic, Matej Zapushek, Michela Tramonti, Alden Meirzhanovich Dochshanov, Carlos V. Carvalho, Rita Durão, Ivanichka Nestorova, Rositsa Georgieva, Hariklia Tsalapata, Olivier Heidmann, Kostas Katsimentes, Christina, Taka Roxani, Sotiri Evangelou, Nadia Vlachoutsou, Nataša Hoić-Božić, Martina Holenko Dlab, Ivona Franković, Marina Ivašić Kos, , Luigi Tramonti, , Ahu Şimşek, Kadir Fatih Mutlu, Abdurrahman Saygın, USER GUIDE ON THE CODING4GIRLS SERIOUS GAME
APPROACH, 2020, URL: ….


O3/A3 Videos for the use of the game in the context of evaluation
The video presents the main results achieved during the validation phase in Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Greece and Turkey.

O3/A4 Improved Methodological Learning Framework